
The initiatives of Onancock Main Street, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, are made possible through contributions from dedicated people like you- who work to improve the quality of life in Downtown Onancock. 

Thank you for making a difference.

Every donation matters. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. 990 available upon request.

Or send payment to:

Onancock Main Street | PO Box 4 | Onancock, VA 23417


With the help of generous donors and partners - here are some of OMS’ projects and accomplishments: 

  • Secured grant funding to commission a financial feasibility study of two vacant buildings in Downtown Onancock to identify best use, design, development, and financing. Today these buildings are in development to be returned to full use

  • Facilitated development of a new town brand that includes logos, tagline, color scheme, and marketing campaign

  • Engaged a professional firm to produce several market studies that explore the commercial and residential potential for Onancock

  • Created this website to inform the community about OMS and to promote Onancock to visitors

  • Through multiple grant awards from the Virginia Tourism Corporation - OMS promotes Onancock through digital and print campaigns reaching audiences throughout the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond

  • Partnered with the Town of Onancock to administer small business relief funds to support qualifying Onancock businesses

  • Partnered with the Town of Onancock to offer the Onancock Commercial Façade Improvement Grant to restore, sustain, and improve commercial properties located in Onancock

  • ​Awarded -Virginia Main Street’s Downtown Investment Grant (DIG) and a Virginia Main Street Technical Grant - to improve Downtown Onancock through the addition of three downtown murals, a gift card program, and marketing initiatives for empty buildings

  • Partnered with the Town of Onancock to receive a $1 million grant loan to rehabilitate the downtown historic Lilliston building. This grant will create a pool of funds that will serve as revolving low-interest loans to developers of other vacant, blighted commercially zoned properties within the town

Onancock Main Street is proud to report that 100% of its board members contribute to annual giving.